The first thing I want to do is thank Anthony Chu and the ŠTatung Company for allowing me to use the vidcaps I have on this page. It would have been difficult to create this page without them.
On the next few pages I will try to make using the Star BoulevardŽ site a little easier to do. The parts that I will talk about are the TransloadŽ and the CamLoadŽ services and the HTML ExtractorŽ.
![]() Of the three services the Cam LoadŽ is probably the easiest to use. This service only works with Plus terminals. If the video/capture feature is still new to you, perhaps you should take a look at my Vidcap Samples site. To get to the Cam LoadŽ service site just type in transload.starblvd.net/camload.shtml. You can also save this site to a folder and use an F key for a short cut. When you get there this is what the page will look like.
Scroll down the page till you get to the fill in form and picture of a camcorder that looks like this one below.
In the "Name to" box you will put what you want to name this picture. Be sure to include the .jpg with the name. As you get more and more images transloaded you should be careful what you name the picture because anything you transload that has a name that you already have in your directory will disappear and be overridden by the new one. In the "Target FTP Server" box you put your providers ftp. I happen to use Tripod and it is ftp.tripod.com. In the "Target Account Name" you put your user name of your web site. The one in your web site address. In the "Target Account Password" you put your web site password. The one you use to gain access to your web site directory. For the inputs for Geocities, Anglefire, Maxcafe and Talkcity go to Warp Speed's page. You can leave the "Upload Directory" blank or if you have subdirectories you can put the name of that subdirectory in there. Say you have one named "gifs". All that you would put there if you are using Tripod is gif, no slashes. You may have to put gifs/ with other web site providers.You can either fill those in now or after the next step. Now click on the camcorder and this is the page you will get.
This is and works just like the video capture screen in your e-mail. I have already captured a picture in this view. Now click on the "Add to message" button to get to the next page which looks like this..
Now you can fill in the form as I have started to do as mentioned above.. Come down and click on the Upload button and it will take you to this page below.
That page will take you to the next one, the Status page, in 10 seconds and will look like this.
That page normally loads completely when it pops up. If it didn't, wait a minute or two then reload it. Then scroll down the page till you see the ZAP button. It will also say "End of transmission" and look like this.
When you click on the ZAP button it will take you to this, the last page. Here you can either go on to other places within the site or leave the page. You must use a WebTv key to leave such as Home, Mail, Go To or an F key.
You may have noticed the "Adjust X-Y Ratio" check box right above the Upload button. Leave it checked or your picture could turn out like this one below.
Instead of a normal picture like this.
Now you can go to your directory to see if it showed up. You may have to reload the directory if it isn't already there.
The Cam Load may not always be successful. It could be the TransloadŽ service is too busy, your web site provider is too busy,the internet traffic is too high or you made a mistake filling out the form. No matter what the outcome you still need to use the ZAP button on the status page and the WebTv keys on the last page. If the Cam LoadŽ service is too busy you won't get past the form page. Try again in a little while. Now on to the next one. |